Thursday, March 29, 2012

It's kind of hard to explain...

36 hours in Vegas.

Not a minute more, not a minute less.

Me + Lara = Mexico City Magnet

thanks oswaldo

Monday, March 5, 2012

I know I don't drink anymore...

but this weekend is the closest I've gotten to it.

Long weekend spent in Jersey brought smiles, tears, uncontrollable laughter and maybe, just maybe, a little anxiety.

Of course I kicked the trip off in typical Lo fashion...

I ran around the day before accomplishing everything BUT packing.

Here are a few of the little teengs I did...
Drove to Echo Park to look for Hannah's lost keys. They happened to be in the possession of an asian homeless lady. We bartered $5 and a lighter for the keys and then hung out with some dudes I had enlisted to provide security while I looked for the keys...the area was a little questionable so protection was needed, trust me.

This is their sweet little pup, Miss Captain Morgan.

We then embarked on a 20-something mish. If you don't know what that means, don't worry about it. To refuel, we stopped at at Joan's on Third and I met my soulmate, dreamboat, obsession, father of my future children and my imaginary husband... alexander skarsgard.
Hannah marched up to him and announced that I was "having a lightweight nervous breakdown" and needed a picture with him. So tall, so sexy, so delicious...

I'm having a headband moment... Give me a quarter..i LOVE quarters.
My lovely bff Rachel - Going strong for 10+ years!
Causing a ruckus with Jason. Always fun but I need a few days to recover..

I'll try to post more pictures but for now, it's back to the grind.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

new day

Took this from my FB... thought I would share it here too...

"Amazing class at Malibu Sun Yoga this morning.

I flowed so easily through a pose I've struggled with...I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and thought, I am so strong, powerful, beautiful and full of life. Thank you, Lord, for this body and soul you have blessed me with and for the opportunity to change the course of my life with each new day. "

"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." _Eleanor Roosevelt